Stop Treating Yourself Like a Tube of Toothpaste

Squeeze out every last drop of your toothpaste, not every last drop of yourself!

Squeeze out every last drop of your toothpaste, not every last drop of yourself!

I’m guilty! Hacking all the ways to combine activities to maximize my time. I’m the master multitasker. Running while listening to the latest podcast & slowing my pace to take digital note of something noteworthy, reviewing work while eating, bathing kids while catching up on emails. While I’m pretty impressed by multitaskers like myself, I do believe it’s time to slow down.

There are so many posts, books, articles, talks, etc. on how to hack your time management, productivity, or flow. Trust me, I read, watch and listen to them too. However, I believe many of us often forget age-old advice. I was reminded when pooling my LinkedIn contacts for the best time management tool. A dear friend wrote — “the best thing that has worked for me is 8 hrs of sleep”.

She’s so right. Want to be more productive? It’s as simple as eating a balanced diet, exercising, and sleeping more. That’s it, these 3 basic needs are the key to keeping your mind and body healthy, and increasing your productivity!

As we are starting another lockdown, for many that might mean remote work and most likely remote schooling again. We must remember, we can’t pour from an empty cup. This time around, I will prioritize my health and well-being. I hope you do the same!

PS. Before signing up for the next digital tool, make sure those 3 basic needs are met first. Otherwise, it’s like getting a prescription for a symptom without determining the root cause.



Laura Dumas Kozub

Inclusion advocate, passionate about empowering change and building a future that is equitable and fair. HR Development Background